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People holding boxes for moving

Our Things To Do When Moving House Checklist

It’s said that the average Brit will move house four times in their lifetime. When surveyed, it was also considered to be more stressful than having a child or getting divorced. As humans we’re naturally resistant to change - why uproot ourselves from a safe, familiar place and attempt to move all of our worldly possessions somewhere new?
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Creative ways for renters to save electricity

Even dressing it up with a cutesy abbreviation does little to bring any lightheartedness to the state of the nation’s energy bills.The ‘cozzie-lives’ crisis, as some have chosen to call it, definitely left people feeling cold this past winter. Between January 2022 and January 2023 electricity and gas prices rose by 66.7% and 129.4% respectively.
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Is Wembley A Safe Area To Live In?

No one can blame you for having safety and security at the forefront of your mind when looking for a place to settle down - be it on your own, in the hopes of starting a family, or with family already in tow.
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