Resident Security
Safe. Comfortable. Sorted. With measures that don’t feel like you’re under lock and key (that would be weird), your safety means the world to us.
We’ll never fob you off – just give you your own secure keycard or fob to let you in. We’ll never keep tabs on you – just CCTV where it’s needed. We’ll help you feel seen in communal areas and entrances. And provide help when you need it with on-site resident managers.

Renting, As It Should Be.

Secure Access
Secure entry systems that needs a specific fob or keycard for access

Security Lighting
Well lit entrances and communal areas

CCTV camera in designated areas

Manned Reception
Teams based in reception areas during office hours

Live-in resident managers (at some locations) for emergency maintenance and out of hours help

Designated out of hours emergency maintenance helpline
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