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What is Happening with the Elephant & Castle Redevelopment?

If you’ve visited the Elephant and Castle area recently, you’ll know that it’s undergoing the biggest transformation it has seen in decades.
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Trams in Manchester

6 of the Best Affordable Restaurants in Manchester

Ask most people what they associate Manchester with, and they’ll probably say football, music, and industry. Chances are food won’t be high on the list, with the concept of northern grub still conjuring up images of seared black puddings, steaming hotpots, and thick-crusted pies. But things are changing.
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Our Guide to 10 Great Restaurants in New Cross

Populating the banks of the fast-flowing asphalt river that is the A2 (New Cross Road) and growing every day, New Cross is in a period of exciting regeneration. Located in Zone 2 in the bubbling melting pot of South East London, New Cross can provide all of the perks of city life, without the pitfalls of a city budget.
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