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Two Bedroom

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Renting From A Private Landlord

In an age of ever-escalating house prices, renting is a long-term reality for many - especially for those who live in larger cities, where demand drives those prices ever higher.
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Creative ways for renters to save electricity

Even dressing it up with a cutesy abbreviation does little to bring any lightheartedness to the state of the nation’s energy bills.The ‘cozzie-lives’ crisis, as some have chosen to call it, definitely left people feeling cold this past winter. Between January 2022 and January 2023 electricity and gas prices rose by 66.7% and 129.4% respectively.
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Our Guide to 10 Great Restaurants in New Cross

Populating the banks of the fast-flowing asphalt river that is the A2 (New Cross Road) and growing every day, New Cross is in a period of exciting regeneration. Located in Zone 2 in the bubbling melting pot of South East London, New Cross can provide all of the perks of city life, without the pitfalls of a city budget.
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